Summer update part 1: What’s happening?
The fight against my own culture of busyness continues. I’ve started sharing newsletters as a slower-deeper offering on what I’m doing and seeing. - as a means to connect more meaningfully. See the link at the base of this page to subscribe (thank you)! Below are a few pieces from my most recent newsletter by way of an update.
The results of a sit down with myself, checking in on my current intentions going forwards. Please do get in touch if anything resonates :)
What can I give to the younger generation?
I made a conscious decision in my early twenties to focus my life on a contribution to addressing climate change. A lot has happened since then, the journey has been far from linear and ‘I’ve learnt at lot’ would be a wild understatement. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have come into contact with some really talented, hard-working and inspiring humans.
I’m conscious of the pressure facing those younger than me, active in addressing societal challenges. My journey has given me agency in this space and tools to navigate the uncertainty and anxiety we all face. I want to pass this on to those beginning their journey of action.
Where I’d like to move right away, is towards a mentoring role for those looking to make sense of action on climate change - in their own life and through work.
Do you know anyone that would benefit from this kind of support?
Also a good time to thank my current mentors Camilla Born and Dr Anna Bullen - full of gratitude.
What could a practice to connect inner & outer work look like?
It’s crystal to me that climate change & connected crises are a deeply cultural in nature. We know the science, the measures, the technologies are all there - yet we are still failing to take appropriate action.
There is a lot here, but most importantly in my view are shifts in our:
a) worldviews - to see ourselves as part of nature, aligning psychological sense of who we are with the biological reality of what we are (part of nature);
b) values - stemming from (a), towards a focus on health and not wealth, collaboration and not competition etc
This work is my edge, on which I intend to do some leaning. Which will now be a lot easier as I’m joining Earthed for a residency over the next 6 months (thank you). My principal interest is how to connect this very personal work (inner), with the work we are all engaged in once we return to our lives changed (outer).
Pipe dream - get a set of politicians into the woods to explore personal and planetary regeneration - consciousness shifts + systems thinking.
Soon - A nature-based learning marathon/community of practice to reimagine the outdoor industry & community.
Sooner - Some offerings of nature connection, contextualised within participant’s work.
What is my future role in the United Nations climate process?
A question which has been on my mind see parting from the UK delegation back last December.
If you know of an organisation that would benefit from some awareness-expertise of the UN climate process - do get in touch!
Watch this space.
How to inspire and create agency?
I joke (probably too often) how I felt UK Gov. saw the public as a issue solely for spreadsheets, not the route to truly transformative change. Surprising that such politics would want more distributed decision making or to know what real people really think!
There is a chasm like gap between public understanding of the change coming to our lives (even that already baked in) and the change needed to ensure our lives are survivable. It maddens me that governments seem clueless as to the complete dilemma between not engaging/shaping public awareness/opinion and having to face ever increasingly difficult choices - with their current choice being inertia by proxy…
Co-production is coming up a lot in Wales Net Zero 2035 conversations, I’m seeing many interesting examples (link buttons below).
My thought’s on what is needed:
Clear connection to the policy landscape, both in initial framing and how end outcomes are treated;
National level is a good start, but deeper change will come from more localised/place based work;
Ground the work in the opportunity, whilst not losing the sight of risks;
Provide a visual sense of the change needed e.g. how our landscapes need to look in 2035.
If you have experience or resources to share on co-production for policy development/change - please get in touch.
How can I bring support & agency to those on the margins
This is very much weaved into the above, but merits something separate.
I found the following challenges recently very striking:
“A transition is inevitable, but justice is not”
“Hard to reach, or rather easy to ignore?”
Transformation must involve everyone and we have an opportunity to rebuild a world that is more just.
I’d love to hear from people who have experiences working with climate-environmental change with marginalised peoples.
I want to take my facilitation work to the places that are being ignored, I’m well aware of the opportunity within the Wales Net Zero 2035 Group
Must not burnout this summer
A consistent intention, I will let you know how it goes…
Where to go beyond (re)imagining a regenerative finance system?
Last year I took part in a brilliant course ‘Introduction to regenerative economics’ run by the Capital Institute and John Fullerton. Which aims to provide a living systems approach to redesigning our economy so that long-term prosperity, human dignity, social equity, and planetary wellness can be viably sustained throughout the world.
Kindly the team let the first cohort drop into their second version earlier this year. Reinvigorating some thoughts of what next?
Do you know of a finance institution truly working in regenerative finance? A community of practice exploring ideas? Someone I should talk to? Something I should read?